Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook and Blogs are an easy way for employees to communicate with the world. This can cause far reaching legal risks for employers. What can be done to prevent social networking sites from being used as a sounding board for an unhappy employee, a place to disclose trade secrets, or a means to defame bosses and co-w orkers? How can you protect your company from the possible legal problems due to social networking? I can help by advising you how to:
- Monitor employee use of blogs by telling you what's legal & what's not
- Draft workable blogging policies
- Assess your liability risks from your employees use of social networking site and blogs
- To minimize your risk for unnecessary and expensive litigation
- Comply with the New FTC regulations effective December 1, 2010 about blogging.
Here are some key issues that you need to be aware of:
- Blogs in the Workplace: Legal Risks & Liability You Need to Know
- How to legally monitor your employee's use of social media sites without infringing on their legal rights.
- Does the employee or company own the blogs or social networking account?
- If an employee posts something on a blog, or a social media site, can the employers be held liable?
- Strategies to protect confidential and business information
- What is legal for your Employees to Blog about
- What to do about bad comments of your employees in their personal blogs
- What can you do to limit blogging by your employees when they are not working
- What is the difference between bad behavior and the first amendment right to freedom of speech?
- Drafting Social Media Policies:
- How to draft a social networking policy to protect your company while balancing your employees right to privacy
- Why you may not want to restrict from your employees from engaging in social media
- How you can enforce the restrictions placed in your social media policy.
- Assessing your employees rights under the National Labor Relations Act
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